Westpac Corporate Volunteering Day in South Maroubra


Volunteers from Westpac enjoyed a community day involving weeding and revegetating the South Maroubra Dune and Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub. The team had a fun day involving hand removing exotic weeds such as Sonchus oleraceus, Ehrharta erecta and planting locally sourced native species. 

Locally sourced indigenous species binds the root system, restores subterranean fungal systems, and combats erosion of our land, in the above case, our coastline.  Moreover, it encourages local fauna species to return that have been threatened by land degradation. Many thanks for all your hard work. We truly appreciate the contribution of your time.


Weed Clearing at Kamay Botany Bay National Park


Volunteer Day at Kamay Botany Bay National Park